Saturday, August 27, 2011

Journey Toward God

Dear Church Family,

Just about everyone can remember where they  were the morning of September 11, 2001 and the days that followed. As we approach the 10th anniversary of this tragic event, my prayers go out for our country and all those affected by this act of terrorism. I pray for healing and hope for the future. I pray that we can learn to live without fear. May we remember the victims and families from September 11.

As the summer comes to a close and school starts back up, there is no doubt that we will be as busy as before. As many of you know, Chanda has begun going to Edison to complete her RN degree. Please pray for us during this time of transition. I also appreciate your prayers for the rest of my family.

Now that I am commissioned as a Provisional Elder, I begin two years of “supervised years.” I will be participating in the new conference program called “The Crucible.” During this time, I will be participating in retreats, seminars, and other work as I prepare for ordination in June of 2013. The first of these events will be September 14-17.

Many of you have had the opportunity of being part of Emmaus. For those who are not familiar with it, the Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen your walk with Christ. My wife and her mother will be going on their Emmaus Walk this month. I have been asked to be one of the speakers for this event. It will be an exciting weekend. Please be in prayer for Chanda, Gail, and me. I hope that those of you who have not been to Chrysalis or Emmaus may consider going in the coming year.

As we finished up our series on Romans 8, I hope that you all have learned something more about what it means to be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. I hope that you have had the opportunity to memorize and internalize scripture as well. It has been a dynamic study of learning those words that describe who we are as Christians: freed, empowered, adopted, transformed, assured, and loved.

Beginning in September we are going to begin a new sermon series focusing on the book of Exodus, entitled “Journey Toward God.” We are all on a journey. There are obstacles and trials that get in our way. There are distractions that may cause us to lose focus of our goal. As we look at Exodus, we will be examining our lives to discover if we are journeying toward God or away from God. We will discover that journeying toward God is the way for us to live life to the fullest. It is the way for us to have the abundant life that Jesus offers. We need to get out our map and compass. We can’t be too ashamed to ask for directions. We want to set our course on a journey toward God.

Not only will you have the opportunity to learn about Exodus through the worship services, we will also be offering small groups that will give you the opportunity to gather with others and discuss the book of Exodus. I hope that everyone will take advantage of this opportunity for fellowship and discipleship.

We have also established a team that will be working to explore beginning at second worship service here at Hoffman. Please be in prayer for God’s guidance as we discern how we can best reach the people in our community who are in need of a relationship with God and other Christians.

Yours in Christ’s Service,
Pastor Justin