Friday, July 6, 2012

Life Is A Highway

Dear Church Family,

June has certainly kicked the summer off with activity at Hoffman. Lunch Bunch is going strong. The Garage Sale was a huge success. We painted the Activity Center. Several of our members participated in the West Ohio Annual Conference. It has been a busy time at Hoffman, but a good time. God continues to work in the life of our church. It has also been a busy month for me. I have had two weddings, two funerals, an anniversary, and a class reunion to plan. All of this busyness is beginning to catch up with me.

As many of you know, it is customary for a pastor to take off a day during the week since he or she works on Sundays. (Now, some of you may be surprised that pastors work more than just that one day.) One of my goals for the year was to take off one day per week. Up until now, I have not been able to do that. However, I know that it is necessary. Beginning in June, I have begun to take off Mondays each week. I wanted to let you know of this change in my schedule.

Chanda and I have certainly been enjoying our time with Wesley. He is such a blessing! Everyone keeps asking how we are sleeping. We are sleeping well. If I look tired, it has nothing to do with Wesley. He is growing up quick. If you are on Facebook, you can follow my album “Wesley- One Day at a Time” as I post a picture each day. Someone said that I was the proudest father that they know. I am not sure about that, but I am very proud to have a healthy little boy. Thanks for your gifts and prayers!

Hoffman has received a new addition to our staff in June. Chris Miller joins us as our Children’s Ministry Director. Chris has a wonderful passion for ministry, and we are so excited to be welcoming her to Hoffman UMC. She comes to us from Aley UMC in Beavercreek, where she served as Children’s Ministry Director. Be sure to talk with her and welcome her to Hoffman. She has a passion and love for Jesus that are contagious.

As we move into July, we have many exciting things going on. We are planning to have two floats in the Fourth of July Parade—one for Kids Club and one for the Open Door. The Art Show is also coming to Hoffman July 13-15. Kids Club will start in July and Lunch Bunch will continue. Also, you will want to mark your calendars for our Church Picnic, which will be held on August 5th. I am excited to say that we are seeing many new faces around Hoffman. I hope that you are beginning to meet and welcome new folks. Do not forget the importance of greeting someone that you do not know. Think of how you would want to be greeted at a church you were visiting.

In an effort to get these new folks better acquainted with the church, we are planning a couple of events this summer. Pizza with the Pastor is scheduled for July 8th at 12:30. We are planning a membership retreat on a Saturday from 9:00-3:30. We are trying to see what date works best for all interested. If you are interested in either of these events, call the church office to sign up or sign up at the welcome table.

Also, in July, as many are out traveling on the highways as they go on vacation this summer, we are going to be starting an exciting new sermon series entitled, “Life Is a Highway.” During this series we are going to be looking at different roads in the Bible—the Damascus Road, Road to Emmaus, Romans Road, and Jericho Road. As we look at these roads, we are going to talk about how each of us has a unique faith journey. Each of our lives has different highways that we travel on as we reach out to God. This will be a series affirming each of our faith journeys. I hope you will join us for this exciting time.

I know that the summer is busy, but please make Hoffman a part of your summer plans. We are excited about what God is doing here, and we want you to be a part of it.

Yours In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Justin