Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lent: A Time for Rest, Renewal, and Repentance

Dear Friends,

At Hoffman UMC, we are coming to the end of our study on Christianity’s Family Tree. It has been a great time of looking at the other traditions within Christianity. We have learned more about our brothers and sisters in Christ and more about ourselves. We have discovered ways in which we can learn from those who come from other traditions. I hope that you have enjoyed this series as much as I have. It is important for us to understand that the Christian faith is much larger than Hoffman UMC, and I think we have seen that through our study together. I pray that this study has helped each of us become more effective disciples of Christ.

This month, we will be entering into the season of Lent. Lent is the season that leads right into Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday (March 9th) and concludes on the Saturday before Easter (April 23rd). During this season, we prepare ourselves for Easter. It is a time for rest, repentance, prayer, service, self-examination, and self-denial. It is a time for Christian growth and renewal. Lent lasts 40 days (not including Sundays).

Historically, Lent was a time when those wanting to join the Christian community would learn about the faith. Easter was the day in which new members would be accepted into the faith. Well, we are adopting this ancient practice this year. We will have a new member’s class during Lent, and we will be accepting new members on Easter Sunday. If you are interested in this class, please let us know as soon as possible.

As we prepare for the time when we reflect on Christ’s gift of salvation to us, we generally make sacrifices by fasting. This is not necessarily a fast from food, but it is sacrificially giving up something in our lives. I had a friend who jokingly gave up things like Brussels sprouts and exercise. Unless you really like Brussels sprouts and eat them regularly, this really wouldn’t constitute a sacrifice. During Lent, we fast from something that we do a lot and find pleasure in. This fasting is done as a discipline of self-control and to help us identify with Christ’s sufferings on our behalf. Chanda and I usually fast from a common item. Last year, we gave up meat. In the past, I have also given up things like television, computer usage, instant messaging, and online gaming. Consider what you might give up this Lenten season and share it with me and others. It can be an opportunity to share your faith.

During the 6 Sundays of Lent, our sermon series is “Encountering Jesus.” We are going to be looking at 6 places in the gospel where individuals encountered Jesus. We are going to see what we can learn about Jesus through the encounters. We will be looking at his encounters with: the devil, a religious leader, a blind man, a woman, a dead man, and a political leader. During at least one of these sermons, I am planning to try a new style of sermon that I have never attempted before. This should be an exciting series for you to invite friends to.

We are also going to have several small group studies going on during the Lenten season. We hope that you will find a small group to join that you may grow in your faith through the study of God’s word and fellowship with others. You will find the details of these studies in this newsletter.

Having been here for seven months now, Chanda and I are planning to go on our first vacation at the end of March. We will be leaving on March 28th and will return on April 4th. Be praying that we will get the rest needed to come back and serve a renewed energy.

Yours in Christ’s Service,
Pastor Justin

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